Below is the routing map for Lookout Mountain designed by Raynor. The plan was drawn by a local Chattanooga company. Two foot contours are marked on the drawing.
The plan shows the original hole sequence with the location of the clubhouse on the edge of the brow (a sheer 1000 foot precipice) behind the current no. 2 green.
So the original first would be the current 3rd. The routing remains intact, except due to the move of clubhouse location, the present first became a par 4, instead of the par 5 as planned for original 17th. The present clubhouse is between the 16th hole and 17th tee in this 1926 plan.
You can see the Short and the Biarritz, and the Alps.
The map has this nice coloring of an old brown, and darker brown for the bunkers, and a dark green.
Oh, and the club was originally named Fairyland as you can see in the photo. The area roads up on the mountain are named Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, etc. The locals pronounce the name as 'fair-land' to this day (the y is silent). The story goes that the wonderful supporter of all things Chattanooga and amateur golf, Mr. Jack Lupton played in a member guest up at a fancy eastern club. One member remarked it was nice they had a club for everyone in Chattanooga, or some such. The club president Mr Lupton changed the name to Lookout Mountain.