Was I afraid to ask the followup questions? No, but discretion is the better part of valor. If I tire of a discussion here, I can turn off the computer and ignore y'all. On a plane, I can't!

He was from Houston, and I can't remember the name of the course now. It had two courses, including one called Cypress something. Mike Nuzzo could help.
Given how flat Houston is, I can't imagine Tom MacWoods defintion applies here, although it is a good one that I can picture in other places.
The answers remind of some old golf architecture humor.....
A course has strategic merit when it fits your shot pattern, but it's tricked up when it favors your opponents. And, "Never ask a golfer how he likes a course, just ask what he shot"
One architect I know plays a variation of the old childhood game of adding the words "in between the sheets" to any song title, which still gives you a, sometimes hilarious, song title. When he hears a golfer complain, he mentally adds the words, "It doesn't fit my game" to the complaint, and it inevitably makes more sense.....