Are you guys kidding

Any chump that can't carry it 130 to clear the right-hand bunker has all the challenge he needs and should be on the range anyway. Similarly, why not eliminate the first 2/3 of the left-hand bunkering, both hillside and hilltop? A pitch from the replacement rough over the remaining bunker would be just as challenging.
Further evidence that not all of the Good Doctor's original work must be restored. Would the replacement of all those hillside bunkers at Pasa's 3# accomplish anything other than to catch the eye and punish the hack?
Can one of you CAD guru's change the shaping of the bunkering. What's left might look more like Black Diamond Ranch than [fill in your favorite MacKenzie course].
Please indulge me a rare cranky day. The kids are out for snow and I'm stuck here bein a grown-up and bread-winner

Anyway, I never said I didn't LIKE eye-candy.