I am afraid I need some clarity regarding the rocks...
I mean the player can see them easily, he/she is aware
of the potential conseqences of hitting into them, so how are
they really any different than countless other hazards found
on golf courses?
Are they worse than the road and wall on 17 at TOC;
or more of a crapshoot than any bunker shored up by
sleepers? What about any course that incorparates old
rock walls in its design? I'll even go way out on a limb
and compare those rocks to the creek near the green
on 13 at ANGC. Both can be seen by the player when playing
the hole. And in challenging both the rocks and the creek
a player knows that if they hit a shot into either they may
or they may not have a recovery shot.
I am not totally disagreeing with you, because I can
understand the sentiments associated with watching
one's ball carom off a rock when a shot 1 foot to either
side would have settled harmlessly (been there), but I
still feel a little randomness is good for design.
If, in playing this hole, you just happened to half shank
a ball into the rocks only to watch it ricochet (sp?)
onto the green and into the cup for an eagle, would
you still hate the rocks as much?
