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Ally Mcintosh

Re: GCA Mythbusters 4: The Dark Ages
« Reply #25 on: May 24, 2022, 08:23:09 AM »
Many of the high-end Irish courses had sites that could be considered excellent on one hand (large country estates with grand houses, natural water courses and mature, specimen trees) and very average on the other (relatively little land movement on heavy, clay soil).

But there’s no doubt that they followed a design philosophy that is out of style (e.g. containment mounding, excessive earth movement relative to the site, long curves in the shaping, lack of undulation in the fairways and greens).

If a modern day crew-du-jour got their hands on those sites, they would look very different. TD / Renaissance would perhaps have created a look similar to St Emilion… others might have stuck to the frilly edged style…. Who knows… All I know is that a few of them could have been better than they are.

Jim Sherma

Re: GCA Mythbusters 4: The Dark Ages
« Reply #26 on: May 24, 2022, 08:48:15 AM »
Ally - as I prepare for my 5th trip to Ireland I have never had the desire to play any of the obvious high-end places you speak of, K-Club, Adare Manor as two examples. They obviously are a function of the time in which they were built. Just as Doak or Hanse would have done something different on those sites, Mackenzie and Colt would have as well. Clearly these options were not available at the time of development and I am not sure what we should make of the decisions that were made other than ask whether they should be blown up and replaced/revised in a fashion that we currently believe is superior.

However isn't that the same thought process that led to all of the McRaynor's and other golden age courses to be modernized from the 50's up until the restoration era?

Removing the value proposition and the quest for finding what I can't find at home I am sure Adare Manor is a wonderful walk in the park while playing a fine course. The property and castle are beautiful. I've never seen K-Club's property up close although the general area is gorgeous.
