> Golf Course Architecture

Exceptions to The Big World Theory; Or, Dictated Architecture is for Weenies

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Adam Clayman:
Since it has yet to be properly published, deciding on exceptions to a theory that ethereal, could be a tricky posit. BUT,,,,

 if you start with a freedom filled design, and turn it into a dictated slog, through a pop-up Arboretum, you might not deserve protection from criticism that The Big World Theory allows, unless you were designed as a dictated slog.

Other than ANGC, who doesn't deserve "Big World" protection? 


Your phrasing took a while to decipher.  That said, not sure ANGC is the top contender.

In my obviously biased opinion, it would be horrible courses resulting from the Owner's decision to "save money" by not hiring an architect, and using almost anyone other than a golf course architect to prove some invalid point they are trying to make.

Adam Clayman:
Jeff, Thanks for persevering. Ignoring, or not fully paying the original architect, might be the first clue you'll do most everything "in-house".  ANGC being the exception. But, they've clearly never been happy with their design, otherwise why so many changes?

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My feeling is, that in the Big World theory, we know one (or maybe a dozen) course would try to attain maintenance perfection.  It's ANGC and a few others. If they didn't do it, surely someone would have, just to see what might be done.

I think I would rank the next 75-100 or so trying to outdo perfection much lower, while giving ANGC a pass.  I don't like copycat architecture (another good candidate for your list) and tend not to like copycat maintenance, either.

I think I understand your post but may be off a little.I think the biggest culprit in so many of these types of courses is a rotatong board or either an owner who likes golf but just came into money etc and doesn't really understand golf.  Both don't know what they don't know and are sitting ducks for the industry..maintenance is design to these types...


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