The design market has stopped for more than five years in South America but I am making a living redesigning and consulting in relation to maintenance. These are the clubs that I am presently consulting with in Chile, with different grass putting surfaces and a few observations to share.
Las Brisas de Chicuero
20 years old, not one of my designs or construction, 36 holes, near Santiago, Chile. Temperature extremes between -3 y 38 Celsius, no rain, spring, summer and fall, low humidity. Greens originally seeded to L-93 and now for 7 years 100% poa. 26 verticutting, 26 light topdressing, 2-core aerifications, 2-star aerifications and 26 fungicide applications per year. In the spring, 3 months of biweekly application of two different growth regulators combined with heavy amounts of iron sulfate to control seed-head production. Rolling twice every week. Four to five months of bi-weekly applications of revolution surfactant to keep the water off the surface and maintain a firm surface. These greens are good as any bentgrass surface that I would have never thought possible. Year around they look and roll fantastic and stemp between 10 and 11 except after the aerifications. Really expensive but maximum results.
La Serrena-18 years old-18 holes
Micro environment, temperatures year around between 6 Celsius up 24, near one of the driest areas in the planet. Two inches of rain only per year in the winter. High humidity. Grass surface in greens: Seaside II. Remained poa free for fifteen years I believe due to high salt content of the water. Currently 30 to 50 percent poa and nine holes under treatment to eliminate the poa. Two aerifications per year and three to four verticutting followed by light topdressing. For years a couple of curative fungicide applications but recently started preventative fungicide program during spring and fall for dollar spot. I would categorize, Good to excellent value for the money.
Marbella- 27 holes, 18 done by my company in 97 and nine holes about 50 or 60 years old. The climate is micro climate similar, to la Serena and similar to the Pebble Beach area in the US. Greens were originally dwarf Bermuda and the poa took over and they became 97% poa and 3% dwarf. Fourteen months ago, converted nine holes to A1 and A4 and nine additional holes converted recently and have been open for two months. The 14 months old greens already have 30% poa which we are in the last phase of elimination and expect 99% control. Excellent surfaces but will need more consistent verticutting and light topdressing or incorporating growth regulators. No fungicides. Nine holes remain in Poa, and have installed a preventative bi-weekly fungicide program for dollar. If they are one or two days late with the fungicide application, severe out breaks of dollar. Trying to get them to be more aggressive with the cultural practices and a program similar, to Las Brisa. In the next month the board will decide if the last nine be converted in March and if not, they will adapt to Las Brisas program. A1-A4 provides good value for the money if you can incorporate growth regulators into the program. Keeping them short, stressed and abused provides the best results. Baby them and they will become over aggressive and produce excessive thatch and that starts the domino effect ending in inferior surfaces.
Near Marbella, recently converted nine greens from sand to bent, used Barracuda for the second time because of shade problems. Too early to comment but word on the street is that it`s even more aggressive and thatchy than A1 and A4.
Las Araucarias
25 years old, USGA construction, Penncross surfaces and same climate conditions as Las Brisa. 25% poa only after 25 years, no budget, one verticutting and one topping. Aerify, once or twice per year. No fungicides, two years ago saw the first fungus, Pythium, during an unusual hot summer, sprayed curative and recuperated well. Good to excellent greens year around with infrequent grooming. By far the best value for money!