IMHO, The Old Course is the greatest course in the world.
Okay, I have to admit that I have only walked it four times and played it but once.
But each time I saw something different and began to understand it better. Maybe in a lifetime of playing I might get bored, but I don't think so.

Blind shots are only blind the first time you play them. Hidden bunkers are to be learned, found and avoided. Golf isn't supposed to be fair. The sight lines, to me, are clear enough and inspiring. What better background than the 18th hole?
I'm going to try and channel my inner Peter P for a music analogy. My good friend and prolific songwriter King Creosote said about his music "A hit is a song you love at first hearing, and then gradually grow tired of. My music may sound bland, slow and perhaps boring at first, but after enough listenings a bombshell goes off and people love it." He is right - I enjoy his songs more and more after hundreds of listenings,
So, IMHO, a popular modern golf course is one you fall in love with on your first visit, but gradually grow tired of it after repeated playings. TOC may seem like a ugly and confusing mess at first visit, but after repeated playing a bombshell suddenly goes off and you fall in love with the INFINITE VARIETY that you have found. Has anyone ever grown bored with playing TOC?
Maybe I'm just a sentimental old man who cherishes the hallowed ground.
What do you think?