Nathan Hofheimer Estate - Warrenville, NJ. He was one of the original founders of General Motors Corp.
The estate covered hundreds of acres and it had a private course in 1917. Today the Warrenbrook Golf Course occupies some of the grounds.
I think that The Orchards in Ma. was originally an estate course built by Joseph Skinner for his daughter Elisabeth.
The original Grafton Golf Club was a private six hole (turn of the century to approximately World War One) golf course on the Harry Worcester Smith estate in Millbury/Grafton, Ma.
Charles Sinclair's Cedar Crest was a 400 acre estate with gardens designed by Frederick Law Olmstead and a 9- hole golf course.
Lexington Plantation, Wando, SC - Henrietta Hartford, widow of Edward V. Hartford, had a nine hole golf course on her plantation. She had a lot of work done on the grounds, all planned by the Olmsted firm, ca. 1930. In the late '40s the place was sold to Georgia Pacific / Destination Wild Dunes. In 1991 the Scratch Gold Company acquired the property and developed Dunes West Golf Club ( a buddy of mine lives there). The clubhouse for Dunes West was built on the site of the 32 room house she had built (It mysteriously burned down in the early '40s).
William C. Whitney, former Sec'y of the Navy, had a golf course on his estate at Wheatley Hills, LI, in 1903. There was also a mile long race track, a steeplechase course, gymnasium, squash courts, and a 175' windmill on the property.
ca. 1910 - James B.Taylor, Jericho NY estate course
ca. 1900 - The Great Island estate course of Charles B. Cory - Yarmouth, Ma.
ca. 1930 - Will Rogers estate course - on his Santa Monica, Ca. ranch.
ca. 1915 - -Charles Swift - Detroit railway man - had a 9 hole course laid out for him by A. G. Lockwood at his 435 acre Grosse Point Estate (named after his home town in Michigan), Lake Champlain, VT.

Miss Emma Durkee married Colonel Chauncey Benton Humphrey and they made their home at "Namkhe", the Durkee estate at East Patcogue, LI. The golf course was already there when they moved in, June 1927.
Charles Francis Murphy - known as "Silent Charlie" - Tammany Hall boss - had a six hole course built on his estate in Good Ground, LI (part of Southampton) in 1905.
ca. 1900/10 - Theodore N. Vail - Bell/AT&T - a private course on his 1,500 acre "Sleepwell" farm/estate in Lyndon, VT, home of Lyndon State College today.
ca. 1907 - James Boyd Sr. - a private course on his 1,600 acre estate in Weymouth Heights, Southern Pines, NC.
ca. 1911 - Mortimer Fleishacker - A private sourse on his 46 acre property near Woodside/Redwood City, Ca, said to be as large as the course at Burlingame CC in Hillsborough.
ca. 1922 - Ralph Hart - a private course of 8 holes on his farm, four miles south of Cunningham, KS.