Stop buddy, you are making me laugh till I cry. I did not say I did not LIKE GW's list, I said is was ABSURD!! There is absolutely no way that anyone who actually played the 1st three on our list would even put courses like Heritage Hill and especially Cherry Blossom [which some actually rated #1 in the past

] anywhere in the same order of magnitude. Both are courses kept in good shape. Each have a couple good holes, and the rest are average to mediocre. Nope, till GW provides me with a rater who can even successfully describe ER, HC, and DH, I will contimue to assert that they sent no one there. Absurd! Hey Andy, I am not alone. Lots of us there laugh at it. If it did not matter, we would not likely even complain. Unfortunately, those of the beaten path Park courses rely on rating lists and word of mouth. And with the bad economy they are in trouble. They deserve support for this quality of course, and what is written in these lists truly hurts them.
Yes, this is public access only. Obviously, if had been privates included, some big names would have appeared. We allowed anyone who was joined to GKL, and had played the courses, to feel comfortable that they could try to rate them. Most of us did not rate courses we had only played once of had not play recently enough to remember well. But we were pretty free of restrictions. And also yes, we decided on certain aspects and left them equal in weight as opposed to the much more difficult excercise of determining relative values. We got what we got. No one was absolutely satisfied it was right. How could they be. Be we did seem to have a good concensus that it was overall pretty close to real. Such as any list ever could be. You do know, yes?, that rating courses is totally subjective. Only by adding a lot of subjective insights can we even expect to approach an objective validity. In the end, we liked what we had. And, as I say, it was fun!
UK Club has two courses, Big Blue and Wildcat. To my understanding, there was origionally one 18-hole course called 'Players Club'; which Art Hills retooled and expanded to these two. Both are quite interesting< I actually like Wildcat better. Both are, or course, kept in great condition because the team does still play there. It has be opened to the public, Big Blue just this year.
I partially agree about #18 at Fox Run. It is certainly unusual, and the second shot is a nightmare even after a good drive. Still, I just try to whack it diagonally across the lake to that hillside and then pitch and run from there, knowing the green will be dangerous from that angle [it slants right to the water]. hairraising. Still Fox Run has, IMHO, a LOT of truly good holes and is a blast to play. As for Lassing, a long time favorite. Sad to say, it has fallen far as to conditions, which used to be immacualte. I would have personally had it a little higher, but I still think new courses remove it from theTop 5-8 courses statewide.
I am glad you took a look at how we did what we did. It is not perfect and we knew that from the beginning. Our 1st goal had to be to try something and see what happened. I personally feel like Andy, that 'raters' should be trusted to rate on their own, mostly internal, aspects, and then let the chips fall. I think those unique tracks will not hide from them because we all still can see certain things that are pretty universal among golfers in those special courses.
Great to talk to you all again.