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Adam Clayman

Re: Our Next Big Thing
« Reply #200 on: July 16, 2011, 12:40:04 PM »
Chris. Get some 5 gal buckets, old flags and some quick cement. Bury the buckets and try to hole out from anything inside 150. Golf as it was originally played. ;)    Tom. Lawsona has steeper green side bunkers. I hope you can leave it almost alone while allowin the plodder plenty of room on the other side. A real hazard so to speak. But than again, I'm a sicphuk.   
"It's unbelievable how much you don't know about the game you've been playing your whole life." - Mickey Mantle

Forrest Richardson

Re: Our Next Big Thing
« Reply #201 on: July 16, 2011, 11:52:14 PM »
It is a great piece of property — looking forward to playing the results.
— Forrest Richardson, Golf Course Architect/ASGCA


Re: Our Next Big Thing
« Reply #202 on: July 17, 2011, 10:00:19 AM »
Congratulations to Tom and Don. I am sure this will be a very special course.

Ben Stephens

Re: Our Next Big Thing
« Reply #203 on: July 18, 2011, 04:29:17 AM »

Ever since first seeing that massively deep crater bunker on #3, I've wondered how you'll develop it for play.

Grassed looks cool and seems natural, of course until you imagine golfers trying to play it as such. Simply finding your ball would be a challenge I would think. So if you did decide to scrape away at the native and bring the sand to the surface, the shape of this enormous crater seems to be almost too steep at the walls to simply walk into it. Have you considering adding a stairway? I think it would be cool to do so, play it as deep as possible (I believe you mentioned it is 20'), a bit of a nod to your old mentor Mr. Dye, and introduce the thought that this course isn't your atypical sand hills experience, but one with many layers of interest, challenge and beauty.

Or - you can tell me to sit down, be quiet and wait 'til next year.

It looks like a version of Calamity's Corner at Portrush or Ca Canny at Turnberry looks awesome and natural to me!


Re: Our Next Big Thing
« Reply #204 on: July 18, 2011, 04:50:28 AM »
I'm not as worried about physical access; I have only looked down into the abyss from above, but it looked like there were some reasonably gentle trails to get into the bottom and out from the back right and front left sides.

I think this is one of my favorite quotes of all time.  A bunker that does not need steps but has a 'trail' leading to the bottom of it.  Sounds like the Grand Canyon. 
Ask not what GolfClubAtlas can do for you; ask what you can do for GolfClubAtlas.


Re: Our Next Big Thing
« Reply #205 on: July 18, 2011, 11:34:06 AM »
Llamas and Sherpas are standing by to guide you down....
No actual golf rounds were ruined or delayed, nor golf rules broken, in the taking of any photographs that may be displayed by the above forum user.

Matt MacIver

Re: Our Next Big Thing
« Reply #206 on: July 18, 2011, 12:04:41 PM »

Reminds me of a fairway bunker at Devil's Paintbrush, which was mowed to fairway height...very fun but I you could get a 7i on it to advance it up and out so a wedge from greenside should be playable....


Re: Our Next Big Thing
« Reply #207 on: July 18, 2011, 12:57:46 PM »
gotta have a pinnable front-right hole location... :)
Golf is a game. We play it. Somewhere along the way we took the fun out of it and charged a premium to be punished.- - Ron Sirak

Alex Miller

Re: Our Next Big Thing
« Reply #208 on: July 18, 2011, 02:20:05 PM »
I think it will look wonderful if left natural, but what about putting in a small bunker (or two) close to the green and not more than 8 feet deep? It would leave the awesome nature of the pit, but also provide a bunker which would not be impossible to get out of (in the nature of 16 at PGA West Stadium). Also a small bunker or two would provide some context for the size of that massive pit.

Eric Smith

Re: Our Next Big Thing
« Reply #209 on: July 18, 2011, 03:49:51 PM »

Grassed looks cool and seems natural, of course until you imagine golfers trying to play it as such.

It looks like a version of Calamity's Corner at Portrush or Ca Canny at Turnberry looks awesome and natural to me!


I haven't played those courses you mention, so I looked them up and see what you mean with the do or almost die penalty for missing short and right . It brought to mind one that I have played and that's the 12th at Tenby.


Re: Our Next Big Thing
« Reply #210 on: July 18, 2011, 04:13:11 PM »
I don't think you'll ever see a fly mower inside that cavern.

Kalen Braley

Re: Our Next Big Thing
« Reply #211 on: July 18, 2011, 05:19:45 PM »

Reminds me of a fairway bunker at Devil's Paintbrush, which was mowed to fairway height...very fun but I you could get a 7i on it to advance it up and out so a wedge from greenside should be playable....

I know its early on and all...

..but I'm thinking, just leave that sucker as is, build a neat little green to the side of it with a wicked small bunker just to the left of the green for those who chose to be overly safe on the bailout, and call it good.

Mike Nuzzo

Re: Our Next Big Thing
« Reply #212 on: July 19, 2011, 02:05:50 PM »
I know its early on and all...

..but I'm thinking, just leave that sucker as is, build a neat little green to the side of it with a wicked small bunker just to the left of the green for those who chose to be overly safe on the bailout, and call it good.

One could have the green do the same thing as the bunker you mentioned... which is a good recommendation for most greens and bunkers.
Thinking of Bob, Rihc, Bill, George, Neil, Dr. Childs, & Tiger.


Re: Our Next Big Thing
« Reply #213 on: July 19, 2011, 02:21:37 PM »
The green is almost there already, though most of it tilts toward the back and right, with maybe just a bit too much slope.  Whatever we do to re-shape it will take about an hour next June.

Interestingly, there is a little dip just off the left of the green, near the front, which Brian Slawnik marked out not to be mowed right now, in case we want to save a bit of the native grasses and build a bunker there.  I hadn't noticed it on my first walk around.  Not sure if it will wind up being a bunker, or just a little swale that makes chipping harder if you've bailed out left.


Re: Our Next Big Thing
« Reply #214 on: July 19, 2011, 03:17:10 PM »
Why not have a bunker back left?
Golf is a game. We play it. Somewhere along the way we took the fun out of it and charged a premium to be punished.- - Ron Sirak

Colin Macqueen

Re: Our Next Big Thing
« Reply #215 on: July 19, 2011, 04:05:41 PM »

This thread called by Tom Doak "Our Next Big Thing" has been hi-jacked and is still "Our Next Big Thing" but the "Our" now belongs to the GCA members! I am highly amused by all the well-meaning advice being given to Tom Doak as to how to build this perfect hole! Living vicariously is great though and I just don't have the courage to tell this granny how to suck eggs! If TD does adopt any of the recommendations though how on earth will GCA apportion the credit!

Cheers Colin
"Golf, thou art a gentle sprite, I owe thee much"
The Hielander

Kalen Braley

Re: Our Next Big Thing
« Reply #216 on: July 19, 2011, 04:19:02 PM »

This thread called by Tom Doak "Our Next Big Thing" has been hi-jacked and is still "Our Next Big Thing" but the "Our" now belongs to the GCA members! I am highly amused by all the well-meaning advice being given to Tom Doak as to how to build this perfect hole! Living vicariously is great though and I just don't have the courage to tell this granny how to suck eggs! If TD does adopt any of the recommendations though how on earth will GCA apportion the credit!

Cheers Colin


I guess this normally goes without saying because the default mode is that everything and anything we post on here will be taken with a grain of salt...especially by someone  Tom who has a resume like he does.

But its always fun to speculate, and be an armchair designer for a day or two on  My long term goal/dream still remains unchanged after all these years on  And that is to volunteer for an architect and fetch his coffee and dry cleaning in exchange for having front row seats to see a project go from raw land to the finished product on a day by day basis.  Perhaps even be able to listen in on a few convos when he's discussing implementing features to develop strategy/course tie-ins, etc.


Re: Our Next Big Thing
« Reply #217 on: July 19, 2011, 05:58:53 PM »

Better be careful, I might call your bluff.  We are still in holding pattern right now, but I might soon be looking for a handful of guys to help out in August and September this year.

Colin Macqueen

Re: Our Next Big Thing
« Reply #218 on: July 19, 2011, 06:05:53 PM »

I am right with you! I would love to hear how the ideas get chatted through and how the reality differs or is similar to the original vision.

I think I could fulfill the role of the go-fors go-for admirably. Can you secure that spot for me when TD calls? I could think of myself as a tie-in rather than a hanger-on.

Cheers Colin
"Golf, thou art a gentle sprite, I owe thee much"
The Hielander

Howard Riefs

Re: Our Next Big Thing
« Reply #219 on: July 19, 2011, 06:29:37 PM »

Better be careful, I might call your bluff.  We are still in holding pattern right now, but I might soon be looking for a handful of guys to help out in August and September this year.


Cream and sugar?
"Golf combines two favorite American pastimes: Taking long walks and hitting things with a stick."  ~P.J. O'Rourke

Kalen Braley

Re: Our Next Big Thing
« Reply #220 on: July 19, 2011, 06:39:54 PM »
Dismal River 2.0 would be an dream debut.

While I doubt I could convince the boss to take an entire 2 months off, perhaps a mini-camp could be workable!

P.S.  I'm going to guess you like your coffee black, no cream, no sugar!!  ;)


Re: Our Next Big Thing
« Reply #221 on: July 19, 2011, 07:15:19 PM »
I don't drink coffee at all, and I've cut way down on the Coca-Cola as well.  If you want to work at Dismal River you'll have to actually do some WORK.

I noticed this thread has been abandoned as a sticky topic.  Now I'm on a mission to keep it alive.  Eric should keep posting photos!


Chris Johnston

Re: Our Next Big Thing
« Reply #222 on: July 19, 2011, 08:14:10 PM »
I wonder if there is caffeine in Guinness?  Or pork chops?  Caprese salad?

The baby and CocaCola have arrived and the digger and dozer are on the way.

Dragonflies by the thousands!

Mike Benham

Re: Our Next Big Thing
« Reply #223 on: July 19, 2011, 08:15:36 PM »

I noticed this thread has been abandoned as a sticky topic.  Now I'm on a mission to keep it alive.  ;)

In this fast paced, global world, the time it will take to finish the course is glacial.  Unless ONBT will be finished in the next week or so, it is yesterday's news.

Or perhaps sticky topics are reserved for those who contribute financially to the website ... ;) 
"... and I liked the guy ..."

Dan Kelly

Re: Our Next Big Thing
« Reply #224 on: July 19, 2011, 08:32:49 PM »
Dragonflies by the thousands!

All caffeine-free (so far as I know).

Has a golf course ever been named for an insect?
"There's no money in doing less." -- Joe Hancock, 11/25/2010
"Rankings are silly and subjective..." -- Tom Doak, 3/12/2016
