Well, its late and I probably shouldn't post this, but since TMac, Ran and others are cleansing their souls.........
Since I got the Droid phone, I mostly read gca.com on the toilet, not at my desk.

My next model will be a "hemdroid" phone, I guess.
Seems kind of appropriate, the way things are going down the toilet around here, though, doesn't it?
For that matter, aren't most of the threads lately really arguing who picked up the turd by the clean end?

In a more serious vein, long ago, I once called someone a Nazi. I regret that one.
I regret two posts to David M as "slightly" over the top......
And, last but not least, I actually like Tommy Knockers, despite our long ago internet battles.
One heated topic of debate about me I would acally like to settle is that I actually am a practicing golf courrse architect.....maybe one day I will get it right. And, I try to be a model gca.com citizen, and by that I mean a very small version of the real thing.
That is all.
(emoticon omitted as a tip of the cap to Dan Kelly, who witnessed my murder of a chipmunk and saw fit to forgive me.)
Who else has a true confession?