I have lots of DVD's and videos that are collecting dust. From time to time I like to pull them out and look at them.
In fact, I was given a video of The Quarry at La Quinta, as a gift by the owner/developer. Countless times I watch it with great interest and and enjoyment, and I save it knowing someday when I'm long gone that my library of golf stuff will go to the Ralph Miller Collection at LA84. Someday, someone with great interest in all things golf architecture, they'll be able to see that video tape via my donation. As a.....ahemmmm....."journalist,"

your "integrity" should guide you similarly.
If $30.00 is all that video or DVD costs, then I feel that it is more then worth it, knowing that it will someday see even better life given what Mike Kaiser has given to the Sport of Golf; how he has risked MILLIONS so you can "try" to write about it. I feel that you owe it to everyone here to promote it for what it is-- a tribute to his great place.
Seeing Tom Doak and David Kidd, and hopefully soon Bill & Ben talk about their courses at this magical place is a gift that will keep on giving for years to come. Can anyone imagine how great it would be to have a recording of MacKenzie walking around Cypress Point? Given the time, the magic then was the photograph, hence the success of Geoff Shackelford's Cypress Point book FILLED with phenomenal pictures--the Bandon DVD of its time. THANK GOD we have it to enjoy this day! I can only imagine how important the DVD will be for those wanting to know what was going on in our interesting times--just like I have done on many occasions with some of our great masters.