please believe me when I say that I value you as one of my Top Ten Posters on GCA (Boy, I know how some folks round here love ratings...

) Was ever more smoke blown...?

I agree with your comment re Il Mucci. He does have an uncanny gift of very fine architectural comment and critique. Of that, there is no doubt. Crusty old codger that he is, I fully intend spending my later years emulating his delicious curmudgeonliness.
All I ask for the moment is that we finally DIVIDE the two obvious (to me) separate but related CORE activities of GolfClubAtlas. It is pointless denying that there is a SOCIAL aspect to this website. I, like many, have gratefully enjoyed the fruits of this with enormous gusto.
The REAL point of this place is the intelligent debate of architecture and architectural elements. Of that, there is no doubt and I, for one, am happy to do that and would be prepared to defend that activity to the end. Without that, there is NO GCA.
As a by-product, this place also creates friendships and camaraderie beyond its initial purpose which is, to me, hugely important. All I ask, is that that activity be given a little space in which to thrive. As an example, I'd guess right now that I'd currently spend about 70/30 or 60/40 of my time in GCA/social activity - and boy, I'd be so grateful that I DIDN'T have to wade through some of the shite (much of which is mine) that I have to on the real board in order to do that. It would be a very small price to pay.
PS WAY too much self-analysis seems to pervade this place around the winter solstice. My birthday is also the 21st. Co-incidence? I think not...