All good fun!
Any idea what was finished by Jan 1915? It's still 18 months after Colt was there, so a lot should have been built. The remaining years would have been more about hole details, no? Carr states that even the ponds/lakes had been made by then. The article does strongly imply that Colt routed the course; and that the site had been cleared to reveal the contours prior to his arrival.
I don't buy the Colt "signature design" argument (surprise, surprise)

Carr's article doesn't really sound like a sales pitch to me, and PV appeared to be the very opposite of a commercial venture. He actually states that the 200 membership is almost full (could be a ploy I suppose).
The only pic I've seen of Colt's hole booklet is that of the 17th in Jim Finnegan's book. I've seen early pics of this hole and it looks very similar to how Colt drew it. But it was changed somewhat when the forced carry was introduced for the approach probably by joining the two large, adjacent bunkers that Colt drew; from your post it sounds like Crump has added this in, on the routing plan. The general hole shape, slight turn to the right, is consistent with the old aerial pics.
Each hole in Colt's book would need to be examined and compared with old aerial/pics, to get the full picture. The forced carry from the tee shots may not be included in Colt's drawings, but I certainly wouldn't count this against his input since it's wholly consistent with early pics of Sunningdale, Swinley, SGH et al where he designed forced tee shot carries over heathery/sandy scrub. However, the forced carries to a few greens at PV are somewhat different and looking at an old aerial pic say of the 2nd (Shackelford's book) you can even see old bunkers buried in the waste in front of that green. Carr does mention the forced tee shot carries in his article.
The pics in Colt's photo scrapbook (sent to him by Crump, after he returned to England) are from before Crump died (1918), but I'm not sure exactly how early these are: holes 1-7,9,10,16-18 are shown with the 16th looking the youngest (grass very rough), so I assume these were the earliest constructed.
Just some idle thought about the general PV layout and Colt's philosophy at St George's Hill which he built immediately prior to travelling. The pacing (sequence and spacing of long and short holes) and balance of the courses are quite similar with well balanced 9s, par 70 and two loops of 9. Actually the pacing is almost identical for the back 9s of the two courses.
Of course this could just be coincidental and I don't know anything about Crump's general philosophy which may well have been consistent with Colt's.
One further point is that Carr suggests that each hole could be extended by 50 yards, but I thought this wasn't actually the case at PV?