My recollection is that no one found anything definitive. Tom MacWood wrote a very good piece on the subject (ignore the one bold faced line about Rees

), but, while I am inclined to agree with him, I don't remember anything that proved anything conclusively.
The Tillinghast experts - Rick Wolfe and Phillip Young - seemed strongly in the camp of Tillinghast designed it and Burbeck built it.
The many folks who grew up on the course (and for this I envy them), yourself included, Matt, seemed to feel that the course had an overwhelmingly Tillinghast feel to it.
The one person I involved who is least credible to me personally is Burbeck's son, who seemed an important part of Mr. Whitten's evidence. This is not to say that I think he is lying or that he is not trying to be fair and honest, I just think that 1) he is too emotionally involved to be objective and 2) his recollections are long removed from the topic at hand.
At least, that's my recollection of the whole affair.