> Golf Course Architecture

Yardages vrs score - long hitters vrs short hitters.

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Garland Bayley:

--- Quote from: Thomas Dai on April 12, 2013, 04:43:40 PM ---GJB,

Perhaps the trees weren't as high 40 years ago!

Also, didn't they extend the tee a while back? Plus, even if someone did hit it over the trees 40 years ago, and Sam Sneed I think was supposed to have done so with lower level trees before WWII, would they have been hitting an 8-iron for their second shot, which is what I believe DJ hit to the green?

Notice I said it was possible. I didn't say anyone was trying to do it. It was a much much riskier shot back then. As to the 9 iron approach, Yes, if things had been mowed as short and fast back then to let the ball run out as far.


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