> Golf Course Architecture

C.B. Macdonald said (in his autobiography) he thought his NGLA.....

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Tom MacWood:

I have a 'hard-on' for CBM?  ::)

Hmmmm, great phraesology there---that's quite thoughtful and perhaps even more intellectual.  8) That sounds like something from a real expert researcher/analyst/writer on golf course archtitectural history, for sure.  ;) Honestly, don't you think even a complete charlatan like you could do better than that?

As far as presenting my case, I'd prefer to do it right here in this DG, unlike you. I recall how fascinated I was when you and I actually used to speak on the phone some years ago and you told me you are basically interested in a "what if" analysis and presentation of history. I told you I don't mind a "what if" presentation of history but only after a  "what actually happened" investigation and analysis of history before getting into various "what if" analyses and presentations of history which appears to be your one and only interest and focus.

To me that risks the temptation to seriously distort and/or revise the actual facts of true history----and that is precisely what I have always suspected you of and of having done.

However, there is nothing at all wrong with "what if" presentation of history; certainly plenty of historians have taken that approach but hopefully after a thorough investigation, presentation and analysis of what actually happened.


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